2020年度 第7回 芦屋病院英会話講座 テーマ「腫瘍」



  1. 腫瘍系関連で良く使われる単語をmedical terminology と colloquial
    New Growth, Types, Oncology, Treatment, Prognosis
  2. Dictation
  3. ロールプレイ
    👇 すい臓がんの再発告知のシナリオです。

Oncologist:  Mr.  Scott, I’m afraid that the scan results aren’t very good.  It’s likely that you’ve got a recurrence of cancer in your pancreas.  That would explain why you’ve been feeling so tired, and your loss of appetite and weight.

Mr. Scott: Will I need surgery?

Oncologist:  Surgery isn’t an option at this stage.  Although we can’t operate, there is still a lot we can do to help you.  You’ve got tablets for pain relief and we can give you something stronger if you need it.  We can also start you on a course of chemotherapy to help with your symptoms.



(芦屋病院英会話講師 本田友香投稿)


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